Monday, April 4, 2011

Paper Train

This game is all about train traffic control. The gamers who like their game a bit harder will find this one just satisfactory. There are a few ways to control the traffic. One is to change the traffic lights and the other to switch the tracks. The combination of these simple actions is all that stands between the safety of the passengers and complete railway collapse with fatalities. This game requires a clear head and good overview of the situations on the board. At times this game is quite challenging and demanding.
Play Paper Train here.

Train Shootout

In this game the gamer is assigned to protect the train and its passangers. The railroad bandits are attacking the train and thretning the passangers. You need to shoot them enemies down by clicking on them. Be swift be precise. If they come to close to the train they can hurt you and take over the train. Every time you are injured you lose health points. The good news is that first aid kits come your way very often and all you need to do i to shoot them to collect the health points. The more bandits you take out more points you get. A very nice shooting game which covers all the aspects of a great shooting game.

Death Game

This game is inspired by the game of chicken. The gamer is standing on the tracks waiting for the train to come. When the train is so close that it can almost hit the gamer, he/she jumps off the tracks to avoid getting killed. The aim of the game is to jump at the last moment. The closer the train is when you jump the better the score. The big question is can you escape in 100cm? It is recommended to play this game with a friend to make it even more exciting. Play Death Game

Train Game Reviews

I will try in this blog to merge summaries of some of the most popular train game that can be found online. In doing so I will not deal with the train simulators, but only light, flash games that are available to play immediately.
Lets do this for the following games:

- Death Game

- Train Shootout

- Paper Train

More games you can find on our original train games website...